Pumpkin Tote and Halloween Extravaganza Accessories

First of all……………….. HAP……….PPPPY HALLOWEEN!

I had so much fun shooting the photos for the “Halloween Extravaganza” blog, ANNNNNDDDD because there were quite a few accessories featured in it (very unlike me!) I decided to do a follow-up post including them all. Also a few blogs back I did mention that you’d see more screen printed pieces, and I was not lying LOL.


So, months ago I wanted to create two screen-printed Halloween tote bags. As you saw I uploaded the black coffin tote a few blogs back. I had ordered the orange fabric at the same time as the black cotton without realising that it would have to come from overseas and I’d have to wait for what seems like months. So when the fabric arrived on the 29th of October I cracked on and whipped the tote up-and screen printed it-ready to blog it in time for Hallows Eve.

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I wanted the tote to obviously be a pumpkin. I ran up a pattern for the tote by drawing a square 40cm by 40cm. I then used the curved part of the pattern master to curve off the bottom edge. I was going to do the same with the top edges but decided against it so that the opening of the bag wasn’t narrow, allowing me to use the bag more often. I then added a little stalk in the center along the open edge of the bag. For quickness, and because they were a perfect length, I used the pattern piece for the straps from the black cotton coffin tote. I attached the straps to the bag 7cm from the edge. Before I sewed the bag together I decided to do the screen-printing. I cut all the pieces out, ironed them then went for the ink.

For the tote stencil, I wanted to incorporate the letters of ‘Van Cartier’ but making up the nose and mouth of the pumpkin. With some help from a VERY talented person in my life, the stencil was created using Adobe Illustrator. Once done, I printed it out ready to be cut out from acetate.

I managed to get the whole stencil on one A3 sheet of acetate. By doing this it meant I could print the entire design in one go, which was soooo useful, especially with being tight on time.

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I really wanted to include one of these Moschino mini quilted leather bags in the ‘Halloween Extravaganza’ blog and I thought this lime green one was perfect for the Halloween theme. Although it is VEEEEERY small, I think they really add a lot to an outfit. They really are not very usable, they hold very little/nothing inside, but they are easy to wear; just throw it over your shoulder, and away you go!!!

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Now, these little charms were a really fun addition to the Halloween outfit. They are easily added to a bag, a belt loop, or if you’re feeling real extra-earrings! I basically searched eBay for fun little spooky nik naks and found a way to attach a keyring chain to it. The telephone I thought was a fun homage to the horror movie classic Scream. The skeleton was a must-have charm, which was supposed to be for a necklace. I mean what is Halloween without a skeleton huh? The cap is a 1990’s keyring, and all I had to do was take the silver keyring off and add the matt black addition instead. Now the neon yellow witch was from the 1990’s toy series called ‘Monsters in My Pocket’. I used to be OBSESSED with these as a kid, so I had to buy one. The price of the toys really jumped up between 1994 and 2020. I can remember Medusa and this witch character being two of my faves (I think it was because of the glamorous floor-length gowns they are wearing LOL) and I really wanted to add one just for the memories. I picked up the keyring chains from eBay for a few pounds for 5.

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Some people say that jewellery should be the finishing touch to any outfit, but I say jewellery should say as much as the entire rest of the outfit does. This bracelet was from a company called OS Accessories, which was an Asian based jewellery company that did the most amazing bone inspired jewellery. I bought this bracelet in 2015 and fell in love with it. I have struggled to find the company recently so I am under the impression that they must not still be going, which I am gutted about as I’d love a few more pieces. The green plastic fang necklace, I picked up from H&M way back in 2009. I had totally forgotten about this necklace until during lockdown in the spring, I sorted through my jewellery collection and instantly needed to wear it to death again……… see what I did there, Halloween pun LOL.

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The other day I ran into a Tesco store and naturally had to check out the Halloween aisle. Much to my surprise I found these retro-style kids masks selling for £1 each, so I snapped them both up. I do wish I had found these in time for last week’s blog shoot, but hey ho these things happen. I had to feature them in a blog before the 1st of November….so here you go haha.

I hope you all have an amazingly creepy Halloween!